Electrical transport in a Ga1-xAlxAs quantum wire in the presence of electron-phonon interaction

Akbar Khalaj; Aliasghar shokri; Nadia Salami

Volume 6, Issue 1 , December 2023, Pages 1-12


  In this paper, the electrical transport properties of a quasi-one dimensional heterostructure based on the GaAs (such as quantum wire) are studied in the presence of the electron-phonon interaction, theoretically. In this regards, a homogeneous quasi-one dimensional quantum wire with a given length is ...  Read More

Trilayer permanent magnetic lattice for ultracold atoms

Saeed Ghanbari

Volume 6, Issue 1 , December 2023, Pages 13-24


  We introduce a trilayer permanent magnetic lattice for ultracold atoms which is created by two 2D arrays of square magnetic slabs plus a bias magnetic field. Three separate 2D arrays of magnetic microtraps located above the top layer of magnetic slabs, below the bottom layer and between them are produced. ...  Read More

The effect of anidot vacancies and H-passivation of phosphorene structure on its electronic and magnetic properties

Fahimeh Behzadi; Seyed Mohammadُ Ghazi

Volume 6, Issue 1 , December 2023, Pages 25-32


  In this study, the electronic and magnetic properties of monolayer phosphorene through spin polarized density functional theory are investigated. The monolayer phosphorene is a p-type nonmagnetic semiconductor. Phosphorene has many applications in electronic devices such as transistors and ionic batteries, ...  Read More

Finite element analysis of argon gas plasma produced by inductively coupled plasma method with variable input power, coil position and dielectric thickness.

Elnaz Poorreza; noushin dadashzadeh

Volume 6, Issue 1 , December 2023, Pages 33-40


  Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) is widely used in applications such as material processing and microelectronic device fabrication. However, their electromagnetic properties have not been fully investigated. Therefore, we performed time-dependent (2D) finite element simulations in this study. We have ...  Read More

Design and simulation of compact subwavelength electro-optic switch based on graphene surface plasmon polaritons

Mohammad Javad Maleki; Mohammad Soroosh; Gholamreza Akbarizadeh

Volume 6, Issue 1 , December 2023, Pages 41-50


  In this study, a small electro-optic switch is designed and simulated by designing a plasmonic waveguide with high confinement. By using a silicon ridge near graphene and adjusting its chemical potential, a plasmonic channel is provided that controls the optical signals transmission depending on the ...  Read More

Efficiency and work quantum Otto machine in contact with non-thermal reservoir

Sajjad Hashemi Abasabadi; Sayyed Yahya Mirafzali; Hamid Reza Baghshahi

Volume 6, Issue 1 , December 2023, Pages 51-58


  In quantum thermal machines, by using a quantum working substance work can be produced. In a quantum Otto machine, if the difference between energy levels are changed by the same ratio in the adiabatic process, the efficiency of this machine is the same as its classical counterparts; However, if this ...  Read More