Document Type : Research


1 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Department of Electrical Engineering Aras Branch, Islamic Azad University, Jolfa, Iran


Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) is widely used in applications such as material processing and microelectronic device fabrication. However, their electromagnetic properties have not been fully investigated. Therefore, we performed time-dependent (2D) finite element simulations in this study. We have made profiles of magnetic field, electron density, and temperature distribution for argon gas by applying variable power of 750 W, 950 W, 1100 W and 1200 W. In a comparative study, the effect of input power change on plasma parameters was investigated and the relevant results were shown. It was shown that with increasing power, the electron density and temperature in the working chamber increase. In the following, with a constant power of 1200 watts as an optimized power, the effect of changing the position of the coils and reducing the thickness of the dielectric layer on the magnetic field flux, electron density and temperature was investigated and we showed that by changing the position of the coils, the magnetic field flux, the electron density and the temperature of the reactor do not change. However, with the decrease in the thickness of the dielectric layer, the magnetic field flux, the electron density, and the temperature decrease to an insignificant amount.


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