Document Type : Research


1 Department of physic, in Tehran shargh Payamnoor University

2 Professor, Department of Theoretical and Nano Physics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Department of Physics, Yasuj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yasuj, Iran


In this paper, the electrical transport properties of a quasi-one dimensional heterostructure based on the GaAs (such as quantum wire) are studied in the presence of the electron-phonon interaction, theoretically. In this regards, a homogeneous quasi-one dimensional quantum wire with a given length is considered which is coupled between two semi-infinite metal leads. Using the Hamiltonian of the system the framework of the tight binding method within the effective mass approximation, the electron transmission coefficient are studied as a function of the electron energy and also the applied filed frequency. Different values of the length as well as Al concentrations of the central region are considered. In order to investigate the electron-phonon effects, we consider a time and space dependent external field which is applied on each atoms in a linear chain within the harmonic approximation. The numerical results of this paper can have shed light on the electron-phonon impacts on the electron transport of the nanowire.


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