Document Type : Research


Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan


In quantum thermal machines, by using a quantum working substance work can be produced. In a quantum Otto machine, if the difference between energy levels are changed by the same ratio in the adiabatic process, the efficiency of this machine is the same as its classical counterparts; However, if this difference is changed inhomogeneously, it will have larger efficiency. Additionally, by the use of non-thermal reservoir (squeezed thermal or coherent thermal) instead of thermal reservoir more work and efficiency can be produced. In this investigation, using a simple harmonic oscillator as the working substance in the quantum Otto machine and adding a delta barrier, in order to make the inhomogeneous difference in energy levels, also considering a non-thermal reservoir, the efficiency and work are investigated. The results show that by utilizing this working substance and non-thermal reservoir, will make efficiency and work to be increased in the special frequency interval.


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