Document Type : Research


Plasma and Nuclear Fusion Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute, AEOI, Tehran, Iran.


The primary radiation rays in focal plasma is a soft X-ray. Pin diode detectors are generally used to measure soft X-rays in an integral and time-lapse manner. PBX65 can be mentioned among the most common pin diodes used in soft x-ray detection of miniature generators. This article uses attenuating filters (beryllium and aluminum) to measure soft X-rays in front of the pin diode spectrometer channels. In addition, the effect of thickness on soft X-ray intensity has been investigated experimentally. Finally, the lower thickness of the filter shows a higher transmission of X-rays. There are several factors in photodiode response and X-ray efficiency measurement of devices. The geometry of the filter maker, quantum efficiency of the photodiode, absorbers like the device, and production of X-rays from the working gas of the device. The effect of these factors has been investigated in this article.


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