Document Type : Research


1 Master’s student

2 Associate Prof. Department of physics, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran


Recently, array waveguides have been considered for the design of ultra-fast optical processors, especially in the field of artificial intelligence. In this article, we first obtained the propagation constant of each waveguide separately with Lumerical software and calculated the supermodes of a waveguide array consisting of 6 waveguides using MATLAB software. By using coupled mode theory, we designed a waveguide array with 6 waveguides which consisting of chalcogenide core on the insulator then we obtained the corresponding supermodes. We have shown that the use of chalcogenide materials can be used cause to reduce length of integrate optical circuits, in addition, it can be used for designing of non-linear optical devices due to the high non-linear coefficient of chalcogenide materials.


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