Document Type : Research


Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Plasma is often refer to the fourth state of matter in science and it is created from a partially or completely ionized gas, which is consisted of ions and free electrons, atoms in the ground or excited state, and most importantly, photons in different energies, and is divided into two categories. They divide into equilibrium (thermal plasma) and non-equilibrium (low temperature plasma or CP). CP is suitable for operations on food products that are sensitive to heat. Creating a suitable cold plasma environment with Townsend's mechanism is related to the control of many physical factors such as the gap and type of electrodes and dielectrics, ambient pressure, frequency and applied high voltage. In this research, after designing and building a food disinfection device based on atmospheric cold plasma technology, the optimal distance of aluminum electrodes was calculated in the potential range of 4 kV to 12 kV. The results made it clear that at distances of more than 9 mm, the phenomenon of Streamer breakdown even at maximum potential causes the destruction of the plasma environment.


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