Document Type : Research
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
The challenges in the miniaturization of photonic integrated circuits due to manufacturing problems and the phenomena that exist in nanoscale systems have caused plasmonic nanostructures and the application of plasmonic waves to attract a lot of attention. The use of liquid crystals in plasmonic devices helps to control the transmission, reflection, scattering and absorption of light waves in plasmonic nanostructures. In this article, the effect of liquid crystal on surface plasmon polariton properties in two cases: a) presence of liquid crystal, b) absence of liquid crystal at the common border of gold metal have been investigated. The results of this study show that gold nanostructures in the presence of liquid crystal can respond to optical light in a more active way, compared to an empty piece of liquid crystal. By shining light on the optical part, due to the strong interaction between surface plasmons at the common boundary of the two environments, we will have a intense absorption spectrum, which is observed in the form of a resonance peak at shorter wavelengths in the homotropic orientation of the liquid crystal. The resonance wavelength of surface plasmons is sensitive to changes in refractive index. In other words, by increasing the refractive index of the surrounding environment, the peak of the absorption spectrum shifts to longer wavelengths.
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