Document Type : Research


1 Physics Department Faculty of Science Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan

2 Urmia University

3 Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan


In this study, for the first time, the calculation and investigation of the qualitative behaviors of entropy and decoherence effects in quantum two-mode squeezed (QTMS) radar when the target is present and the generated signal is transmitted to the target is discussed. In general, incoherence is associated with a decrease in the purity of the state of the system, that is, the transition from a pure state to a mixed state. Additionally, by examining the entropy, we examine the entanglement of the system for the effective number of photons at the detector input. In addition, various conditions affecting the performance improvement of a quantum detector in QTMS radar are evaluated. The quantum state of the system changes from the coherent state to the incoherent state with the increase of temperature and squeezing parameter (at high temperatures). The decoherence effects are inversely proportional to the squeezing parameter and signal power. The ratio of received photons in the receiver is directly proportional to the squeezing parameter and signal power. Increasing the ratio of received photons in the receiver increases the entropy of the system and reduces the decoherence effects of the system, which is a very important result. Moreover, the qualitative behaviors of entropy and purity are quite similar.


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