Document Type : Research


Department of Physics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The interaction of intense femtosecond laser pulses with argon nanoclusters is investigated in the framework of the nanoplasma model. According to the nanoplasma model, ionization, heating and, expansion of the cluster occurs during and after the laser-cluster interaction. The production of energetic electrons is one of the results of this type of interaction. As the intensity of the femtosecond laser increases, the energy, density of the electrons, and hydrodynamic pressure, increase. It is shown that using the double-pulse lasers in interaction, the mentioned quantities are significantly modified compared to the interaction with the single-pulse lasers. The use of double-pulse lasers instead of single-pulse lasers in interaction with atomic clusters at equal intensities improves ionization and increases the energy of electrons, and also the hydrodynamic pressure is improved by 39%. The influence of delay time between two pulses also is investigated. It is found that by choosing the suitable delay time higher energy electrons can be obtained.


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