Document Type : Research


Faculty of Engineering, Ayatollah Borujerdi University


So far, most of researches and investigations have been based on absorption and surface plasmon waves propagation on graphene and its various realized patterns mounted over isotropic substrates. In this paper, at first the structure of graphene over hexagonal boron nitride, as an anisotropic substrate, its effective permittivity and reflection coefficient, and also, the possibility of their tuning through change in graphene Fermi level, is studied. Then, characteristics of surface plasmon waves propagation on graphene nano-ribbons mounted over uniaxial anisotropic substrate are investigated analytically and numerically. Employing such substrates can decrease propagation loss in comparison with other substrates dramatically. The results of this investigation can be utilized in analysis of absorbers and periodic arrays of graphene nano-ribbon over hexagonal boron nitride substrates.


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