Document Type : Research


1 Ph.D. Student, Physics, Payeme Noor University

2 Physics Department, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran


By designing periodic structures of photonic crystals, electromagnetic waves can be reflected in a certain frequency range from their surface. Using the above feature, the emission of photons can be guided in the designed waveguide within the structure of photon crystal networks. One of the most important applications of photonic crystals is in the construction of logic gates. Therefore, in this paper, using the simulation method based on the numerical method of finite difference in time domain, the propagation of electromagnetic waves inside two-dimensional engineered photonic crystals is investigated and the structure of band gap and distribution of electric and magnetic fields in the structure of photonic crystal lattice is calculated. The results show that using the unique structure of the designed photonic crystal, which has defects in the lattice, the performance of the AND and NOT logic gates can be well observed.


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