Document Type : Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Payame Noor University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Payame Noor University


In the framework of the nanoplasma model, the interaction of intense femtosecond laser pulses with the nanometer sized neon clusters is studied. In this simulation, the expansion of a neon cluster irradiated by an intense femtosecond laser pulse with respect to ionization and heating process is investigated. The effects of laser intensity, pulse duration time on the evolution of ion and electron density, average state charge, and radius of cluster, electron temperature and  hydrodynamic pressure are studied. The simulation results show that as laser intensity and pulse duration increase, ion density in the cluster is decreased while cluster radius and average charge state are increased. Also, by increasing laser intensity, the electron density, temperature, and electron hydrodynamic pressure increase.


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