Document Type : Research



Photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) are new class of optical fibers which have great potentials and various applications. In this article, we investigate and simulate the impacts of structural parameters on mode characteristics of PCFs in telecommunication region that little attention has been paid to it by using CUDOS MOF software. Here, PCFs are simulated in two different schemes: one with increasing the number of air rings in the cladding area and the other one with increasing the filling fraction; and then the best PCF for the single-mode operation in telecommunication region with the lowest confinement loss is introduced. Also, the wavelength dependence of the loss, effective mode area, and effective mode refractive index is simulated. The results show that with increasing the number of air rings in the cladding as well as the air filling fraction, the PCF losses, effective mode area, and effective mode refractive index are decreased. Moreover, with increasing the wavelength, the effective refractive index is decreased while and the loss and the effective mode area are increased. 


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