Document Type : Research


Department of Physics, ,Payame Noor university



In the context of strong field-matter interaction, an increasing number of phenomena has been emerged that can be well understood when taking into account the vibrational modes of lattice i.e., phonons. Phonons dynamics as a result of coupling between electronic and lattice degree of freedom has substantial effect on transient features via redistribution of quasiparticle populations and dynamical modification of coupling strength. In this study, we resolve the role of nonlinear phononics in nonlinear optics phenomena such as second harmonic generation, shift current including phonons for series of 2D materials . Our results show strong dynamical modulation of electron-phonon effect in the dynamical Born effective charge for all individual phonon modes. The presence of activated phonons also enhances the second-order terms of second harmonic generation and shift current. The parameter amplification of light by nonlinear phonons enhance the control over phonon-polariton waves, interesting for information transport on subwavelength length scales
