Document Type : Research


1 Department of Physics Education, Farhangian University, P. O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran

2 Photonics department, Research Institute for Applied Physics & Astronomy (RIAPA) University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran




The increasing use of group III nitride structures in electro-optical devices, as well as the development of studies on the light-emitting structures and optical properties of these devices, including lasers, photodiodes, and detectors, have caused the intense interest of scientists in this field. Since in some cases the size of the diameter of the nanowire was not suitable for observing the quantum confinement effects, combinations of quantum wells resulting from different structures of growth and layering inside the nanowires, known as hybrid structures, were considered. These quantum wells are formed directly on the faces of the nanowires or along the axis and create the proper arrangement to create quantum confinement effects. In this article, a suitable numerical solution is defined for accurate calculation of band structure, wave functions, carrier probability density and its distribution, and the luminescence spectrum caused by spontaneous emission due to pollution in this system. Also, in this article, the effects of polarization are investigated in theoretical calculations based on the structural information of AlGaN/GaN hybrid semiconductor nanowires in two forms, quantum disk and core-shell, and its effect on emission luminescence is calculated, which can be obtained with widely used experimental samples. It is a comparison. The numerical calculations performed are based on the self-consistent solution of Schrödinger and Poisson along with the explanation of how the particles move and their distribution probability, which is very good in terms of accuracy compared to similar works.
