Document Type : Research


Department of Physics, Malayer University, Iran



In this work, the effect of Fe impurity on CuSe nanostructured thin films during the deposition process has been investigated. The Fe impurity introduced into the CuSe nanostructure with different concentrations of 0.01, 0.02, and 0.03 mol was made by a simple chemical solution precipitation method. Introducing Fe impurity with different concentrations to CuSe creates new transitions related to FeSe in which many band gaps can be observed in the sample. FESEM and EDAX methods for elemental analysis have been used for absorption spectrum to determine energy band distance. In many samples, there are two transitions due to the role of iron in CuSe, therefore, the band gap transitions are related to FeSe and CuSe. A realistic method to determine the band gap energy without considering the assumptions related to the semiconductor structure is necessary, and the Tauc model is a suitable method to determine the band gap distance. Also, from the absorption spectrum of the samples, the Auerbach energy can be determined without the need to determine the absorption coefficient according to the thickness of the layers.
