Document Type : Research


malayer university



ZnxNi1-xO nanostructures were successfully synthesized by sol-gel method using zinc nitrate salt in the impurity percentage range of 3% to 10%. The XRD results showed that changing the impurity percentage could not change the hexagonal structure of samples in such a way that nickel-doped zinc oxide nanostructures have a hexagonal structure like pure zinc oxide, which indicates that nickel contamination is placed in the zinc position of the crystal structure. Also, in the samples contaminated with x= 7.5% and 10%, the peak related to the crystal network of nickel oxide was observed on hkl [200]. The FT-IR results confirmed the two peaks corresponding to the Ni-O and Zn-O stretching modes in all ZnxNi1-xO nanostructures. In addition, two functional groups, hydroxyl and carboxyl, were observed on the surface of the samples. FESEM results showed that ZnxNi1-xO nanostructures have a spherical shape and particle size between 30 to 60 nm. Examining the results of the UV-Visible spectrum showed that the band gap of nanostructures is dependent on the amount of dopant, so that with the change in the concentration of the dopant element nickel, the amount of the energy gap of the nanostructures changed, and the largest energy gap is related to the sample prepared with 3% by weight of the dopant element.
