Document Type : Research


1 Payame Noor Univesity - Eastern Tehran Branch

2 Department of Physics, Payam Noor University, P.O. 19395-4697, Tehran, Iran



Today, among the renewable energies, the use of photovoltaic systems, which convert the energy of sunlight directly into electrical energy without producing toxic substances, have received much attention, and despite the extensive development of solar cells and due to their decentralized use, they are often placed on the roofs of buildings in cities. They face issues such as rapid sedimentation and absorption of pollutants, as a result, the rate of transmission and absorption of the cell's efficiency decreases. On the other hand, the process of cleaning the surface of solar cells is expensive and causes a waste of water.
In this research, the goal is to make a hybrid nanostructured membrane including polysulfone and reduced graphene oxide (PSf/rGO) to improve the efficiency, stability and self-cleaning of the solar cell. This coating increases the stability of solar panels under atmospheric conditions with its water repellency, self-cleaning ability and reduction of light reflection. For the preparation of rGO/PSf hydrophobic membranes, polysulfone has been used among the polymers due to its unique properties, including easy preparation, elastic transparency, and its hydrophobicity. was prepared. SEM, BET, FTIR, FESEM, and contact-angle analyzes were used to check the optimal rGO/PSf layer in the structure. By adding weight percentages (1%, 2%, 4%, 6%) of rGO, the roughness and hydrophobicity of this membrane increases. Nowadays, this membrane is used in various fields such as solar cells, textile industry, etc.
