Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering , Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University,Marvdasht, Iran

2 department of Electrical Engeerring , Marvdasht branch, Islamic Azad university,Marvdasht, Fars, iran


Health monitoring has always been one of the crucial challenges in the medical field, which is monitored by sensors. Meanwhile, optical sensors, especially those based on photonic crystal, have gained significant attention. For this purpose, the current research presents an optical sensor sample using a photonic crystal to monitor and detect four types of cancer cells. The proposed two-dimensional photonic crystal biosensor is made of silicon and is designed in an air substrate. However, it is designed by input and output waveguides and point resonators. After simulations and analysis, the sensitivity of the proposed structure has been reported within the range of 500 nm/RIU with a quality factor of over 600. The simplicity and small size of the structure, which is in the micrometer range, make it suitable for biosensing applications in the medical field. It is worth mentioning that numerical methods including the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method have been used for analyze the structure and obtain the output spectrum results, while the plane wave expansion (PWE) method has been utilized to analyze the photonic band gap range of the primary photonic crystal structure.


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