Document Type : Research


1 - Department of Photonics, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman - Department of Mathematics, University of Jiroft, Jiroft

2 Department of Photonics, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman

3 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan


This paper describes the interaction of three two-level atoms with a single-mode quantized field in the intensity-dependent coupling regime. Under a choice for initial conditions for the subsystems, where the atoms are prepared in an excited state and the cavity field is in the standard coherent state, the explicit form of the total system's state vector is obtained. To achieve this goal, the Laplace transform technique is employed. By considering the intensity-dependent and constant coupling regimes, some of the most important physical properties of the system such as quantum entanglement between the atomic and the radiation field subsystem, atomic population inversion, quantum statistics of field photons, and quadrature squeezing are numerically investigated. The numerical results show that the presence of nonlinear function can affect in the depth and the domain of the system's nonclassical behavior. Also, selecting different nonlinearity functions corresponding to any nonlinear oscillator with arbitrary nonlinear function, or corresponding to any solvable quantum system with a known discrete spectrum, the presented formalism would clearly be distinguished.


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