Document Type : Research


Department of Physics, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran.


In this paper, we have modeled and studied a graphene-based system connected to two semi-infinite channels where light (with linear and circular polarizations) shines vertically into the system. Assuming the existence of adjustable Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling caused by the presence of gate voltage, electron and spin transport in the system was investigated. Non-equilibrium Green's function method and tight-binding model have been used for quantum transport calculations. According to the results, it was observed that the spin response is different for the X and Y polarizations, while the two circular polarizations, i.e. right-handed and left-handed, have completely identical behavior in the production of spin polarization. It was also observed that, at zero bias voltage, the amount of electric current generated by light is very low while the generated spin polarization is significantly high. The difference in the spin current created by different polarizations in the system increases with the increase of spin-orbit interaction. Considering the different signs of the spin current for linear polarizations of light in X and Y directions, it can be used as a spin detector of linear polarization of light. It was also observed that the Rashba coupling has no significant effect on the electric current produced by light. At zero bias, the light can produce a weak electric current, the direction of which completely depends on the polarization of the incident light.


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