Document Type : Research


1 Radiation Application Research School, NSTRI, AEOI, , Tehran – Iran

2 2 Physics and accelerators, Research School, NSTRI, AEOI, Tehran-Iran

3 Radiation Applications Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute, 14395-836, Tehran, Iran


This study investigates the response of interferometric calorimeters to ionizing radiations through modeling. These calorimeters are promising devices for research in the field of energy physics of ionizing radiations due to their high precision and low sensitivity to energy loss of ionizing particles and special features. However, their response to ionizing radiations is not well understood. We develop a simulation framework to modeling the energy deposition and signal production in the main part of the calorimeter. The simulation includes effects such as heat transfer, changes in interference patterns and absorbing energy in calorimetric system.  We use the simulation to study the behavior of interferometric calorimeters in various radiation scenarios, including changing the direction of radiation, passage of time and change in the geometry of the absorbing material. The results show that the response of interferometric calorimeters to ionizing radiation is complex and depends on time and absorbing environment. These findings will help in the optimization of interferometric calorimeters for experiments in the field of nuclear physics.


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