Document Type : Research


1 Department of Physics, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan,

2 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan

3 Department of Photonics, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman


In this paper, a new class of nonclassical states of radiation is presented. For this purpose, after clarifying the application of displaced number states align with expressing the significance of noiseless signal amplification, amplified displaced number states are introduced. Then, examining some of the most important criteria, such as Mandel’s parameter, second-order correlation function, Vogel’s characteristic function, and Wigner distribution function, the nonclassicality of the introduced quantum states is studied. In each case, the roles of gain factor and number of photons of the number states in the above-mentioned physical quantities are discussed. The numerical results show remarkable values of sub-Poissonian statistics of the field and photon antibunching. Afterward, as the necessary and sufficient condition for the nonclassicality of a quantum state, the behavior of the Vogel’s characteristic function is analyzed. We will see that the Vogel function for quantum states of interests goes beyond the value of characteristic function of the ground state, which results in the nonclassicality of the introduced states. Moreover, the negativity of the Wigner–Weyl distribution function, as another appearance of the nonclassicality of the considered states, is also observed. Consequently, the mentioned evidence implies that the amplified displaced number states can be regarded as successful candidates for nonclassical light.


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